From Antonia Zerbisas the Toronto Star media critic:
CTV News has landed one very big fish.
CTV announced today that CTV News has secured an exclusive sit-down, televised interview with United States President, George W. Bush. This is the first time President Bush has granted such an interview to a Canadian broadcaster. The interview will air Tuesday, March 28 on CTV National News with Lloyd Robertson at 11 p.m.
In anticipation of the Tri-Lateral summit meeting between the leaders of the three NAFTA partners, CTV News' Washington Correspondent Tom Clark will sit down with the President for a candid discussion about Canadian-U.S. relations and the major issues confronting the leaders. Senior News Editor, Lloyd Robertson will join Clark in Washington where he will helm the special edition of CTV National News.
Complete footage from the CTV News interview with President Bush will air on Canada AM and CTV Newsnet on Wednesday March 29. Footage and transcripts from the interview will also be available on
Okay, let's have some fun with this. Many folks at CTV News read this blog. Tell them what you think they should be asking.
Take it away!