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Well, that was one softball interview with bush last night.

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tuvor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 09:39 AM
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Well, that was one softball interview with bush last night.
Edited on Wed Mar-29-06 09:44 AM by tuvor
But I'm glad Tom Clark had "fun" doing it. Nothing more important than that.

Maybe I shouldn't be so negative. Lloyd Robertson DID tell him that he did a fine job, after all.

(Was anyone else naively hoping for a Carole Coleman-style smackdown?)
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MrPrax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 01:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. I got ripped...
I never bother with Lloyd--but saw the ads and signed up...

Yeah what an embarassment...Clark seemed MORE like an awe-struck schoolgirl talking to Kallan Porter than an a real journalist...

I loved the 'softwood' segment--NO REBUT whatsoever from Clark when Bush talked about 'common ground for discussion'...what's there to discuss other than "How would like to pay your court ruling today, Sir, cash or charge?

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glarius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 04:00 PM
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2. What REALLY bugs me is that Chretien had a great relationship with Clinton
Edited on Wed Mar-29-06 04:05 PM by glarius
and there was no "chilliness" then. The difference is that Clinton didn't expect Canada to act as a U.S.A. satellite. Why doesn't Clark or any of the other journalists on any of the networks bring up this point. Could the problem perhaps be...hmmm...Georgie?. Remember how he looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul and they became instant soulmates? Well that love affair has certainly cooled. Not to mention Vicente Fox who was his best friend when he first took office. Now they are barely on speaking terms. I'm so damned sick of hearing people on Canadian TV screens (and CNN) going on about how there is not a very warm relationship between our two countries if it is Canada's fault!....For gawd's sake...what foreign leader does Bush get along with, really....Except for Blair the poodle.
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hopeisaplace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 12:15 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. I agree with you completely
and I get tired of it sounding like "it's Canada's fault" ...I often think that the media truly believes that people ARE STUPID, cause they sure report the news that way. It's annoying.
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