Thank you so much for your caring note... You actually got me to smile with your comment about the Chimp and his helper... As we were going through all of this, my daughter turns to me and says: "Hey Mom, doesn't President Bush have a DWI conviction"? "Why is he allowed into Canada"? Out of the mouth of babes... You have to shake your head in amazement...
As far as POS Chris Smith, I'm sure the first thing he did was check my registration and when he saw I was a Democrat, he suddenly was not able to help me... May I remind A-Hole Smith that not all Democrats vote down the line? I told his little lackey to stop telling me he "can't" help me, because we both know if I was his niece, he would find ways to make this happen... "Oh no Ma'am, it would make no difference"... HA!!! Apparently not only am I a criminal, I'm a fool too...
We did stay overnight in Buffalo on Tuesday to see if there was anything we could do in the morning but by evening when no one would help us, we headed back home to Jersey, which is where I am now...
My grandmother will be in Canada for another two weeks but everything they want me to do (send away for FBI clearance), takes at least six to eight weeks... Can you imagine, an FBI clearance for a shoplifting charge that was pleaded down to a "disorderly Conduct"? I thought maybe if I can get a letter from that Police Department that I have not so much as had a speeding ticket since this incident in 1992, maybe that will help, but since the nearest border is over eight hours away from me, it's a big risk to take. If there was only a way I could clear entry before I arrive at the border but I don't think that's possible...
We thought maybe we would move our reunion to a hotel in Buffalo so at least we would be able to see each other, but my grandmother came from Israel so her visa only covers Canada, not the US... Since she's an old, sickly woman, they would probably approve an emergency visa for her to enter the US, but my uncles who are traveling with her (she's in a wheel chair), would never be granted a visa this easily, if at all...
Off course it's Good Friday so like you said, nothing can be done today, although I spent the day yesterday calling every agency I could think of and apparently, they all share the same heart of steel...
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind response. I wish you and your family a very happy Holiday! Please enjoy the time you have together. It's truly precious...
Thank you very much and Happy Easter to you! :hug: