It was nice to see Jack Layton and his NDP putting tough questions to the Harper Tories in the debate on Afghanistan. It was the first time in a long time that the NDP leader addressed the Harper Tories, and not the Liberals, as the real enemy of socialism.
Layton's relationship with the Tories is unique in the history of Canadian socialism. It is certainly not the brand espoused by its pioneers, Tommy Douglas and David Lewis, who knew that their real enemy was the reactionary Toryism espoused over the years by Arthur Meighen, George Drew and now their ideological descendants, Stephen Harper and his National Citizens Coalition.
These free-enterprise stalwarts considered Lewis and Douglas Communists, and loved Red-baiting U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy. Harper's hero, William F. Buckley, wrote a book defending "the junior senator from Wisconsin," as he was famously called by U.S. television news pioneer Edward R. Murrow.
On Lewis's behalf, let me say to Mr. Layton: Watch out for Harper and the National Citizens Coalition. Climbing into bed with the Harper Tories could lead to fleas for Layton and Canadian socialism.