David Warren is the scum of the scum, the far right wing of the far right wing. The Roman Catholic convert like which there is none so fanatical. The most utterly self-righteous,
un-Christian, self-aggrandizing,
useless bit of turd in the Canadian media. Now that Conrad Black's gone.
When yer actual Canadian
conservatives, like Jeffrey Simpson, are saying somewhat sensible and sane things about something, you'll have David Warren getting apoplectic about the evil in the hearts of the evil people who evilly choose to disagree with him and the pure purity of his pure thoughts.
(html fixed)
Here is a sampling of his recent oeuvre:
http://www.davidwarrenonline.com/-- oh yikes, more than a sampling. Everything since 1 Sept 2001.
And 100 facts about David Warren.
72. I got 37 out of 100 in Grade IX math, even though I knew more math, & indeed, a lot more math, than my teacher (whom I dubbed, "Jet Jackson", because he dyed his hair, & paraded for the girls). Prior to that I had usually scored 100 in math, & won numerous arithmetical competitions.
Yead, Davey. That's "arithmetic competitions". Someone who purports to be a writer might want to pay a little more attention to the writing. Apparently commas are mysteriously disappearing from his archived columns. I suspect some long-suffering grammarian has hacked his/her way in and is methodically executing them.
Here's the actual column in question: