Most of my info came from books...
Dalai Lama's Links to CIA Still Stir Debate
Georgia StraightStripping the Gurus (good read throughout, but
Chapter 21 - Hello Dalai deals with Dalai Lama)
"Letter From Lhasa : the Silent Killing of Tibet," Vanity Fair, May l991 "
Letter from Lhasa -- a superb, but lengthy article about Tibet by Alex Shoumatoff
A less polite view of Tibet History (but well cited nonetheless)
Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti
SwansOnly peripherially related, but I always give her a credit coz she is one of the most fascinating women of the 20th century and a true oddball free fact she got thrown out eventually because she keep breaking their 'men only' sacred place rules...heh...she was a little French anarcho-Bhuddist!
Alexandra David-Neel - "Magic and Mystery in Tibet · My Journey to Lhasa" is interesting if you are so disposed to visit the library.
You can find links to his various views on abortion, homosexuality, condoms, womens' ordination (
ref:Bhudda - Ananda Dialogue about whether women can be enlightened), 'just wars', etc...he's against the first four and agrees with non-Bhuddist St Augustine on the latter. Not very progressive and something I think is ignored by his devotees.
When it comes to stuff like this, I let people try to find their own research -- the guy's career is quite lengthy and there are a lot of propaganda on the Net from ALL sides...including my side ;-)
But I hope that helps...