the mentality of the Tories...'government' isn't new or just is formally, government.
His email:
under the Canwest headline:
Flippant e-mail to 'new government' costs scientist his job"So, Okulitch responded in an e-mail: "Why do newly elected officials think everything begins with them taking office? They are merely stewards for as long as the public allows. They are there to foster good policies even if (horrors) they were set up by another party."
In case the message hadn't got through to Ottawa, he continued: "While this ridiculous and embarrassing policy is in effect, I shall use Geological Survey of Canada ... as opposed to idiotic buzzwords coined by political hacks."
Okulitch admits that pressing the "reply all" button on his e-mail was probably unwise, especially as a clarification came from the ministry shortly afterwards explaining that the new wording was compulsory only in documents being presented to Lunn or being prepared on his behalf."
But, the e-mail that immediately arrived from assistant deputy minister Irwin Itzkovitch gave no quarter.
"Given your strong, though misdirected views, of the role and responsibilities, as well as authority of the government, as elected by the people, and your duty to reflect their decisions, I accept that you are immediately removing yourself from the emeritus program," it said.
Vic Times-ColonistDoesn't seem very flippant to me...the reply is much more flippant and betrays a rejection of the democratic ideals of the Canadian government.
Stupid hillbillies...