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Denis Lortie
or Old Stock like:
"... Friends, we have lost, but not by a lot. It was successful in one sense. Let's stop talking about the francophones of Quebec. Let's talk about us. Sixty per cent of us have voted in favour.
We fought a good battle and we did manage to clearly show what we wanted. We lost by a tiny margin. What do you do? Well, you roll up your sleeves and you begin all over again.
I would have liked for it to go through. I would really have loved for it to go through. We were so close to having our country. Well, it's just put off for a short while, not for a long time.
We won't wait another 15 years this time, oh no. What has happened is wonderful. In one meeting after another, these people who had said the future of our country isn't that important were coming along and saying we want that country of our own. And we will get it. We will end up with our country.
It's true we have been defeated, but basically by what?
By money and the ethnic vote..."
Parizeau Defeat Speechor Old Stock like

Topical Link:
Pierre Trudeau's Fascist Education"...I do not use the word lightly. But the Nemnis show us that the Quebec of the 1920s and 30s was xenophobic, anti-Semitic and locked into submission to a rather backward outpost of the Catholic Church. Education was a key task of that church.
Trudeau, born into wealth, was educated in a Jesuit-run classical college. He accepted the church's politics as well as its morality. And in the Quebec of Trudeau's youth, the church believed the successful nations were the "corporatist" states: Mussolini's Italy, Hitler's Germany, Franco's Spain and Salazar's Portugal.
These models were especially attractive as the Depression staggered the industrial world. They appeared to offer stability and work, and usually rule, by a church-inspired elite. This was attractive to French Canadians, and especially to the church-educated children of the elite.
When the Second World War broke out, Quebec's intelligentsia saw it as just another European quarrel, and nothing to do with them. The defeat of France was a proof in Quebec that secular democracy had failed; Vichy France under Marshal Petain was a vindication of the corporate state.
Tyee -- Crawford Killian review of
Young Trudeau: Son of Quebec, Father of Canada, 1919-1944 by Max and Monique Nemni