NEW YORK—Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf's biography has made international waves with its allegation that the United States threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" if his country resisted joining the "war on terror."
Karzai's allegations that Taliban get aid and comfort from Pakistan are "ridiculous. We are not supporting anyone," Musharraf said, adding "there is a problem with Pashtuns feeling alienated."
Later, on CNN, he elaborated that Karzai is "purposely turning a blind eye like an ostrich ..." ignoring the Pashtun community that makes up more than half the Afghan population who feel left out of the circles of power.
"He has to balance out (ethnic interests) and he has not been able to do that. Therefore he is trying to (say) that everything is happening from Pakistan."
Several Taliban operations in Afghanistan are not directed by insurgents hiding over the Pakistan border, Musharraf said. "This is a movement going on. This is a Pashtun uprising by the people going on.