The fact that high ticket items like Tobin, McKenna, Stronach etc have been put back into the stockroom should warn anyone off this Gigantic 'Just In Time For' Christmas sale.
We shoppers are suppose to think that all the discounted candles and 'soap on a rope' gift packs vying for whatever 'mad money' wealthy Liberals from Ontario might want to throw at them, is actually a well-stocked diverse department store.
It looks more like a dumpster diver's blanket wares a week before Welfare Wednesday...a parody of shopping;an act of charity done for appearances. It makes you feel good about democracy -- but it really has little do
I think your right...the fix is that the ruling classes figure they can chance putting 'Team B' into the mix and get movement on 'deep integration'; the Yanks NEED our liquidity.
I've thought this since the Spring and nothing has convinced me otherwise.
If anything Harper and his thugs seem to have an extra jauntiness in their step as they realize they have no opposition, no shortage of support in the media, and a green light.
Add to this 'fix' scenario of yours:
-high level defections like Schwartz and Riesman -Goldenburg out trashing the Liberals on the talkshow circuit with a new book -no coherent Liberal message or issue from their leadership pantomine -no effort on the liberals to articulate the need for a leader that can WIN an election as opposed to leadership coverage that is mostly an exercise in 'profile raising'; all new people, few sitting members in the race -no urgency on issues, candidates or platforms especially the Afghanistan war, softwood lumber, environment, Arar, etc -no inkling of a 'shadow budget' by the libs in the house -a huge amount of unCanadian off the shelf 'non-issues' like Senate reform, gun control, law and order BS, patriotism, military spending, which are meant for distraction
etc etc...
I'd like to think that old Gilles Duceppe and his timely outrages on the English-speaking news might actually translate into some other than media sound bytes, but I've given up on his schtick as well. The New Dems are a write off...they got no support and have to wait until the Liberals get a leader.