Separatist-bashing could undo all Harper's efforts to win Quebec over. Ottawa, December 3, 2008: The Harper Conservatives got caught up today in their own bashing of Quebec sovereigntists. Not a single government member missed a chance to denounce the "separatist coalition", as the Conservatives mockingly term the proposed Liberal-NDP coalition that would govern with the support of the Bloc Québécois (BQ).
This tactic blew up in the government's face when the Bloc circulated a draft agreement, from 2000, that it made with the Canadian Alliance Party, led by Canada's current trade minister Stockwell Day.
Day, who has been one of the most vocal critics of the Liberal-NDP coalition, angrily denied that he had anything to do with any such deal. "It would be against my very DNA to do a coalition deal with socialists, and it would absolutely go against my heart and the heart of Canadians to do a deal with separatists," he told the House on Wednesday.
The printed evidence circulated by the Bloc was damning, however. It included both the text of the agreement and a Globe and Mail article from July 29, 2000. It reported that "Canadian Alliance Leader Stockwell Day refused yesterday to rule out forming a post-election coalition with the separatist Bloc Québécois..."