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Senator Leo Housakos, from the CBC archives

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daleo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 04:54 PM
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Senator Leo Housakos, from the CBC archives
PMO spokesman denies political interference

A joint investigation by the Globe and Mail and Radio-Canada is alleging that a member of the Prime Minister's Office and a Conservative fundraiser directly interfered in a pair of political dossiers.

The report, which aired on the CBC's French-language service on Tuesday night, alleges PMO spokesman Dimitri Soudas intervened in favour of a Montreal real estate developer currently embroiled in a lawsuit with the federal government, and sat in on a meeting with representatives of an international military contractor looking to sell its wares.
The report also says Leo Housakos, a longtime Tory supporter and party organizer in Quebec, also intervened directly with the Public Works Department.
Housakos, also a former financial director for the Action Démocratique du Québec who was appointed to Via Rail's board of directors in December for a four-year term, was approached by the company.

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