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Some hopeful news from my area for the homeless. Hope it goes viral.

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tuvor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-08 02:44 AM
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Some hopeful news from my area for the homeless. Hope it goes viral.
Mobile medical clinic to start serving homeless

Elaine Mitropoulos, Comox Valley Echo
Published: Monday, December 22, 2008

In an effort to promote access to health care among the homeless, a mobile clinic will soon be making its medical rounds on Valley roads.

"This will be the only (mobile clinic) that exists west of Calgary. There's nothing like it in B.C.," said Dawn to Dawn Action on Homelessness Society board member Helen Boyd, who spearheaded the project.

"It's not in any way trying to duplicate services but it's to build access so that people don't get lost in navigating the health-care system or other support services."

Just like a fixed-site clinic, Boyd said the mobile clinic would be equipped with health-care professionals, medical supplies and an examination area.

To date, two doctors, nine nurses, a nurse practitioner and a pharmacist have volunteered their expertise, Boyd said, adding CARE-A-VAN drivers would also be skilled in mental health and addiction outreach work.

"They are all volunteering their time so their salaries alone would be $110,000 worth of services in-kind," Boyd said.

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