By now I’m sure everyone has visited or at least heard about the US web site dedicated to apologizing to the world for the re-election of George Bush ( ) . Everyone has likely also heard about the counter page ( ) carrying messages from people around the world accepting the apology of the 49% of Americans who tried to remove Bush from office. Personally, I was pleased and inspired by seeing these. As an American ex-patriot now living in Canada it was good to be reminded that there are still very good people living in the U.S.
Then it occurred to me that it was not really enough to say ‘we’re sorry’ and ‘it’s ok you’ll get em next time. It was a good beginning but it should not be the end. Technology has finally provided us with the option to circumnavigate political leadership and conduct international relations ourselves. As the old rally chant goes ‘the people, united, will never be defeated’. If we can get together and talk, free of professional lobbyists, wealthy vested interests, and traditional rivalries, if we can find ways among ourselves to achieve understanding, peace, security, a healthy environment, economic justice, and numerous other worthy goals then perhaps things can start to get better for everyone. If we can find these solutions, keep abreast of what is being done around the world to achieve them, and work together nationally and internationally to help one another, then we can begin to change the dynamic of how traditional politics works.
So, with this lofty goal in mind, I began going through, one at a time, each of the thousands of messages posted on the two sites listed above. Sadly, very few of them contained any contact information, but I sent email to those who did include it (as if they were asking for someone to reach out to them) and with those people the idea has found resonance. After two weeks in existence the resulting listserv and message board has members from across the Canada and the US (including founder James Zetlen) as well as members from the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Spain, Brazil, New Zealand, Slovenia, Egypt, China and Singapore, and the discussions have begun.
I would humbly invite everyone who reads this not only to join us, but to pass this message along to others. The group can currently be found at .