Albertans favour reinstating health-care premiums in the province by a margin of almost two to one, according to a new public opinion poll commissioned by the CBC.
Of the 804 respondents in the telephone poll, 58 per cent support reinstatement, with 38 per cent opposed.
To have such widespread support for reinstating health-care premiums so soon after the Stelmach government removed them is surprising," said Bruce Cameron of NRG Research Group, the organization that conducted the poll.
"The rising political pressure from some fiscal conservatives to address the billion-dollar health-care deficit will only increase given Albertans' willingness to pay their own health-care premiums once again," Cameron said Thursday. Updated: Thursday, October 8, 2009 | 5:04 PM MT
I expect the numbers in favour will increase since employees didn't get the money when the payments were dropped. It was considered a benefit which the companies were able to keep.
Now adding the fee to seniors would be a different kettle of fish.