Seriously, I'm asking. Harper is listing it as his reason for appointing the new senators. know it's about throwing red meat to the base, but even the conservatives (and Conservatives) I know don't really think this is all that important - everyone seems to think the economy is the biggest issue right now. (Is it because most of the people I know are middle class Ottawa residents who haven't been victims of crime? Are we really just out of touch with the rest of the country on this?)
I guess it's a distraction, really, meant to get a certain segment of the population foaming at the mouth about crime, but it doesn't even seem like a good distraction. I swear, he'd get more leverage if he were talking about jobs, or even slashing government spending, or whatever, than tackling crime. (Not that I agree with him about slashing government spending, but his base would.)
Enlighten me - what am I missing? Or is my problem that I am looking for logic, cohesion, and good politics (if not good governance) where there is none to be found?