From the Ceeb (for the low low cost of $500/yr with their new licensing rules, remember!):
NDP Leader Jack Layton announced on Friday that he has prostate cancer, but said he will not step aside as leader as he battles the disease.
"This year, more than 25,000 Canadian men are going to be diagnosed with treatable prostate cancer and I recently learned that I’m one of them," Layton, 59, said from his Toronto riding on Friday. "It’s the same kind of cancer that my dad was diagnosed with 17 years ago.
"He, like the overwhelming majority of Canadian men with prostate cancer, fought it and won. His treatments were successful and I intend to bring to this battle the same sense of determination and optimism that he did.
The politician said his treatment plan is underway and that he's "feeling good."
It's generally worth your time not to read the article comments.