"Our government believes that the safety of Canadians is a primary concern," Now, being the public safety minister, that is about as self serving a statement one can make (maybe we need more funding and manpower to keep us safe, if not enough work we can just create some problems...). As I personally have reached out for some accountability from this man for my own situation with some of the bad apples in our Intelligence COmmunity, I take almost anything he says with a grain of salt, his integrity will always be in question as far as I am concerned. This is the one major issue where I have always disagreed in theory with the Conservatives; crime, and how the social influences the crime. They push the age old strategy to "lock them up and throw away the key". Rehabilitation and opportunities for these individuals are always way way down the list, and I am sure many of them would just as soon have them sent to Siberia then to have to deal with a situation. If only he knew how many Canadians have ADMITTED to committing a crime (though not caught or punished for it)he might be surprised. I don't have it handy, but I remember reading the statistics and it was a very high percentage as I recall. Of course, tha majority of the crimes admitted too were, in my opinion fairly trivials (drinking while underage, smoking marijuina etc), it still goes ot show that people change, people do things under different circumstances and points in their life. There must be an effort to help those that we can, if we cannot, then we look at the old adage as an answer...
Now I hate to get personal, but he himself had some personal issues in his life that were well documented and exposed. I wonder if he feels that he too deserves a second chance before his character is judged, or should we just accept that he is not a man of pristine character, and therefore, should not have such an important position in the government? Oh wait a minute, maybe he is the right man for the job after all...