Iverglas, you made some excellent points, and I commend you for the way you think. I think you have hit the nail on the head when you talk about the provocateurs, far too many in today's day and age. Like you, I feel that far too many people say things without the conviction or honest belief in the words or their actions, they do it foe the REACTION, not for honest brokerage of discussion. Hell often it is to financially profit from the attention, which in itself is unconscionable in my opinion.
I will say this, and I come from a position of personal persecution by Canadian Intelligence so this greatly influenced how I think because I am a victim of this arbitrary and highly subjective "hate" mantra (I would be glad to expand if you don't already know the basics of my situation). If we had a similar First Amendment as they have in the U.S, it would cut down immensely in the costs of the spy police, there would be a greater focus on legitimate threats; not manufactured threats, off centre idealogies or "opinions" as they currently focus on to some degree.
Furthermore, it would grealty cut down on the ease of convenience in which an organization can target you. For instance, let's say someone working for CSIS thought you were an undesireable; they simply didn't like you. But, they cannot pin any threat on you...simple, no problem, they say they overheard you making a racist comment, problem solved, welcome to the "black list". Now I am grossly overstating it, but in broader terms it happens. Do we really want someone to make this decision on behalf of the Canadian people?
Think of it in these terms, you post something on this discussion board that is deemed "hate speech", simply because you critized the Canadian government. Who is the one to decide that this is hate speech? I can assure you this, you won't be told you are blacklisted, but good luck building a career. You will have no defense, you will just be the victim of the character assassination, lost opportunities etc. This method was used by the old East German intelligence police, and it is being used with vigor here in Canada.
SO ultimately, if given a choice, as I posted somewhere else, I would much rather have to deal with and listen to (if I chose to) the likes of COulter and Ezra, than to have to deal with someones subjective opinion as to what threat my words represent.