Its late or early depending how you look at it. I should add that any way you look at it I am drunk. But who cares?
I am a bit tired of reading about how, we Canadians are sooo, liberal etc.
Most of you, reading this post, are canadian, and you should be honest enough to recognize that the french canadian are standing in the far left corner of the political spectrum.
Every stats and polls prove it.
Why english Canada doesn't want us to go?
Cause we are culturally alive and protecting you guys from being swallowed by the Americans.
It is only in the last 5 years( I am being generous) that ROC (rest of Canada) started to build an identity worth of a definition. Sorry if I sound presumptuous or arrogant, it is 7 am, I am a little drunk and I am disappointed with men in general.
(Sorry if the last sentence doesn't seem logical, it is to me)
It has been said often that Canada and its division could be compared to a couple. The english Canada being the man and french Canada being the woman. It always made sense to me.
I traveled across Canada, I lived 7 years in BC. I shared 12 years of my life , here in Québec, with a Prairies guy, my son goes to an english school etc, etc.
I am definitively not a nationalist who hates anglos.
On the contrary, for me there is nothing sexier than a guy who tells me that he wants to fuck me.
I dare say that with those words. In my book there is nothing so intertwined with our daily an intimate life than how we express our desire and seduction.
See, we french -canadian don't mind about the F word. And we don't mind about you trying to swear in french(tabanacle, hostie, coliss, etc.)
We, as a society are starting to accept swearing as a part of our identity. It is not a No No taboo anymore. Radio_Canada is even accepting scripts where swearing is omnipresent.
Do not assume that I am making the apology of a poor language filled with religious empty words.
French-Canadians are ready and open to have their popular TV shows to reflect how they live and how they talk. including the swearing. To deny the swearing for us would be hypocritical. Can you say the same?
Sorry, I am being provocative. I should not be.
I don't remember who said that french Canada and english Canada was to be compared with a couple. The french side as the woman and the english side as the man. (Sorry, I just realized than I am repeating myself.)
Both need each other.
But as the french canadian gained back some fundamental rights in the province of Québec some Anglos living here felt threatened.
Same as in the feminist movement in the 80s where men felt threatened.
Sure the french-canadian, like the feminist movement went very far. Sometimes too far. Radicals can and must be as much of a threat than a legitimate reason to change the paradigms around us.
Personally I have never been an extremist. I always been standing in the left corner with my eyes on the center and my ears listening to the right. My actions were usually driven by the left while taking in consideration what the right can cope with. My goals were always more important than how or how long it would take me to get there.
I was a business woman most of my adult life and I believe in results. So if I wanted a certain community to make a move to the left I took my time and did it in a couple of moves instead of barging into things. Too bad I could not have the same patience in my personal life. God, it would have save me a lot of pain.
Well this is an other story, and since I think that most of the canadian Duers are male I will spare you guys from the frivolous details of my romantic life. (Irony intended)
I would have continued this reflexion but my mind is not as responsive as I would expect.
I will probably be too shy to post in this forum for a while, but who cares anyway?
Your friendly french canadian neighbor
PS Second week of January Radio_Canada is presenting a mini- serie about and with main characters being Drag Queens. One of the purpose of it being that they (drag queens) can be as representative as anybody about the daily turmoil of anybody else. They tone done the risk about the role model in casting well known actors.
I dare say that it is only in the province of Québec that you will be able to see this kind of TV show in North America.
Sorry if I sounded or appeared to feel superior as a french canadian. It was not intended.