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NDP asks ethics commissioner to probe Guergis’ letter

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Spazito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-16-10 12:35 PM
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NDP asks ethics commissioner to probe Guergis’ letter
OTTAWA—The New Democrats have asked the federal ethics commissioner to investigate whether ex-cabinet minister Helena Guergis violated conflict of interest rules by touting a green technology company linked to her husband.

NDP MP Libby Davies (Vancouver-East) sent a letter to Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson urging her to probe the allegations contained in an investigative report by The Star’s Kevin Donovan published Friday.

Both the Liberals and the NDP are also asking the RCMP to investigate the allegations in the report, which says Guergis, who now represents the riding of Simcoe-Grey as an Independent MP, wrote a letter last September to the top municipal politician of Simcoe County – her cousin Tony Guergis – suggesting he and council consider a company called Wright Tech Systems.

She sent the letter at the same time her husband, former Conservative MP Rahim Jaffer and financier Nazim Gillani – who has since been charged with fraud – were involved in a plan to take the firm public in a billion-dollar deal.


Well, now the Ethics commissioner has an OFFICIAL request upon which to investigate unlike the Harper cabal's non-request! This is getting VERY interesting!
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daleo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-16-10 12:46 PM
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1. This is good
I thought the PM was "lying with truth" about the investigations. I am glad that the opposition called him on it.
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IntravenousDemilo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-16-10 04:07 PM
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2. What I was wondering was, just how green could a green technology possibly company be...
... if it's associated with anyone with any connection to the Conservatives?
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Spazito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-16-10 04:20 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Good question...
I would tend to suspect any company associated with the Cons would say one thing and do the opposite and certainly being 'green' is NOT a conservative philosophy.
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CHIMO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-16-10 07:18 PM
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4. Should Get
Some things out into the open.

I am just waiting to see when Helena will start defending herself. The Cons have been in power for four tears now. It is about time that the little people in the party, the cabinet, start wanting to do something. I am looking forward to things.

In addition I think that our troops have had enough time to consider whether they are all Hiller followers? I would expect that some of them would now start coming forward.

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