"I heard back today from the spokeswoman from the Canada Commercial Corporation (CCC), Emilie Girard-Ruel. This Crown corporation's website was linked to one of the Canada wordmark logos used on the Wright Tech website (now removed.) They have no current contracts or business dealings with Wright Tech. However, between 1997 and 2003 (closing in 2006), CCC did participate in about $16 million worth of international contracts with Wright Environmental Management, a company with a similar address. This company marketed industrial composting technology to clients like the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army, a correctional facility in Oregon, and a couple of municipalities in the United Kingdom. The CCC had touted this relationship as a success story in its past annual reports."
What I take from this is that the fellow that Guergis wrote the promotional letter for had a business relationship with the federal government in previous years. The company appears to have gotten a new identity in 2006, which is also when the Harper/Guergis government was elected. I don't know what that means but it is an interesting factoid.
I think there is more here than meets the eye. There are supposed to be further developments today. The Friday news dump could be quite substantial late today.