Now they are breaking them in Canada. Unions are one of the very few ways that people can bargain for a fair wage and benefits. This company posted over a 4 billion $$ profit last year. Now they want more of that money to go to management and less to the workers. America stood by and watched, many even cheered the loss of Unions. They did this out of jealousy. Instead of Unionizing their workplaces and raising their standard of living, they wanted to see the "living wage" people come down to their level of poverty. They didn't care that it meant the concentration of wealth in fewer hands, as long as the Union members were brought down to their level.. What a sick bunch. If we stand by and let this happen to Canada, who has been able to sustain their Unions at approximately the same level that America used to have in the 1950's, when people were paid a living wage and could afford to retire... Now America has the largest concentration of wealth in the hands of the fewest people of any "civilized" country in the world. Then we will witness global feudalism in our lifetimes. Let's help the Canadians, then GET OUR UNIONS BACK.<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0" width="460" height="278"><param name="width" value="460"/><param name="height" value="278"/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="src" value="" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="460" height="278" allowfullscreen="true"> <br><a href="">More at The Real News</a><br> </embed></object>