having emptied the treasury,and moved our public policy way to the right. Unless another party can find some extra revenue, we are stuck. This was Harper's plan all along from what's been said. Drowning the fed govt in the bathtub. Power to the provinces and all that.
I think if we had a genuine leader it would raise interest in politics again. People were keen each time the Libs got one, and then after a few months the enthusism died. I don't think the Cons have anyone who's an improvement on Harper,which is sad in iteself, just a bunch of mediocrities. People apparently see Mackay as the next leader and that's scary. Last time he got the leadership of a party he threw it away, and his judgement has been monumentally bad ever since.
I agree we may be watching the country go down the drain. Harper is driving it in that direction with his devisive policies, and the Libs aren't picking up the slack. And the voters seem to be suffering from some kind of malaise. The prorogation was the only thing that's gotten them riled up in years, and of course now that's over with and we've sunk back into apathy.
I would have thought there would be more uproar about possibly being war criminals, but no. People are actually more interested in Helena and Jaffer, and they're a sideshow at best. Harp's dictator tendency should ring alarm bells, but apparently people see that as strong leadership. They don't want him too strong though, so after four years we still have a tie in the polls. Harper has one more chance at a majority before he's out, Iggy has had no improvement in the polls, and he's been there long enough to have found his feet, so it looks like minority govt for years yet.
Yeah, depressing.