Take it from a person who has been unfairly manufactured, mistreated, accused and targetted by CSIS. She will NOT get to know what the charges are, the source or the accusation if any, hell maybe there isn't anything there at all and this is punishment for marrying an unsavory character, how would she know any different without seeing the accusation against her? What she DOES know is the outcome; her career is finished, at the very least it will never be the same. Ho hum, another person ruined and for what? Well, we cannot tell you that. We CAN tell you she is being investigated, we CAN tell you that she has been "demoted", but, as to why...that's none of your business. That's a very high level national security concern...trust us, we know what's good for Canadians. Oh, and we cannot share this with parlaiment as it is a criminal investigation, not that it would be shared with you anyways because we are the elected party not you.
It's bloody absurd. People expect this from Stalin, not from a Canadian polician or government. The old Conservative government that I always supported in spirit does not represent these types of actions, this is probably beyond anything we have ever seen in Canada, except maybe the Japanese incampment period during WW2.
This is the problem people are facing in Canada, many people less important than a politican; we are talking about very ordinary average Canadians who have been charged, targetted, stonewalled, not given security clearance and they NEVER know why. In fact, I would be willing to wager than the majority of the people who have been targetted and/or have been affected don't even know it. How much interest do you think the media takes in these cases?
As an extremely proud Canadian I worry for the future of this nation, so many of the qualities that we represented in the past and helped forge our reputation are being eroded. This is not Russia or China this is Canada, yet, anyone see some of the simiarities between let's say Russia in the 80's and our nation as it is being run currently?
CSIS, and the RCMP for that matter, should keep their business to themselves until they are ready to press chares or to take away her security clearance. Why should ANYONE of us even know that she is being investigated? If Harper or anyone else in his office willingly told the world/media/the fly on the wall that she is being investigated, I think she has a strong case to take him or a member in his office to court. WHat if they investigate her and clear her name? DO they reinstate her? Something is not right here, someone's rights have been violated.
If she has commited a crime, or acted inappropriately than let's hear the case against her. She may not be a choirgirl, but this type of punishment should not come without explanation, that is supposed to eb a transparent democracy.