Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper congratulated David Cameron on becoming Britain’s new Prime Minister, without mentioning the word “coalition.” But then coalitions are not Mr. Harper’s thing.
“I am pleased to offer my sincere and heartfelt congratulations to David Cameron on his general election victory,” Mr. Harper said in a statement. Actually, Mr. Cameron didn’t “win” the election, since his party came to power only by joining in a formal coalition with the third-place Liberal Democrats led by Nick Clegg.
Canadian minority parliaments typically eschew coalitions, with the governing party seeking support from the opposition on a bill-by-bill basis. The aborted exception was a coalition proposed between the Liberals and New Democrats in 2008 that would have unseated Mr. Harper. He saved his political skin by having Parliament prorogued, giving the Liberals time to change leaders and strategy.
British political leaders believe that the government needs broad, entrenched support for the hard tasks that lie ahead. But there isn’t any sign that anyone in Ottawa is thinking about emulating the British example.