The CBC is fuelling a “faith war” and using its taxpayer-funded position to “foment religious division,” the Prime Minister’s strategists in their latest attack on the public broadcaster.
In a memo to supporters, the backroom operatives note that this is just the next step in the CBC’s “ongoing campaign against the Conservative Party.” At issue is a story about the rise of the right-wing religious groups and their connections to the Stephen Harper’s government that ran on The National last night.
The piece – which, as Tories armed with stopwatches note, ran “a full eight minutes in length” – was inspired by the release of a new book, The Armageddon Factor by journalist Marci McDonald, in which she investigates the right-wing religious movement in Canada and its ties to Stephen Harper and his government.
“Last night’s dominant CBC story … featured an attack on the religious affiliation of some government members and supporters,” the Tory missive says. “Apparently, the CBC thinks it newsworthy that some Conservative Ministers and MPs practice their faith. Even more scandalous, some members of the Prime Minister’s Office go to church!” like some author has gone against the nuttiers.
Looks like Harper is going to threaten an election. Looking for money.