Stephen Harper’s Conservatives is accusing Michael Ignatieff of scheming about a coalition government with his socialists and separatist colleagues.
“Today, Ignatieff is once again out talking about coalitions with the Bloc Québécois and the New Democrats,” according to Conservative Party talking points circulated today to MPs and supporters.
To bolster their conspiracy/coalition theory the strategists compiled several recent statements from prominent Liberals: “Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff said he’s always been prepared to work with other parties to form a coalition … (Hill Times, May 17, 2010.)”
“And former Liberal backroom strategist Warren Kinsella confirmed the idea of a coalition is alive and well,” according to the document: “Kinsella said the federal Liberals and NDP are inching toward some sort of co-operation … (Edmonton Journal, May 16, 2010.)” after this past weekends Cross Canada Checkup program.
"Does Britain's minority government coalition offer any lessons for Canada?"
The last caller on the show pointed out the "maturity of the media" His point was that all things were on the table. But the Canadian media didn't agree. For those that missed it, the last caller on the show and his last words were "you too". To the host. down to "Or, listen here"
And start the program. Move the slider to the end and have a listen. Or one may listen to the two hour show.
Seems like Steve is becoming afraid of some sort of left threat?