Sports tycoon David Braley, appointed to the Senate Thursday, acknowledges tens of thousands of dollars in donations to the 2004 leadership campaign of Prime Minister Stephen Harper – but says he also donated to two of his competitors.
In an interview, the owner of the Canadian Football League’s B.C. Lions and Toronto Argonauts confirmed donations of $30,000 each to Mr. Harper and Belinda Stronach, plus an unspecified donation to Tony Clement.
The self-described “middle-of-the-road Conservative” said he wanted to see the strongest possible field of leadership hopefuls in order to defeat the Liberals.
If he's in the Senate from 68 to 75, that's about a million in pay and probably a similar amount in benefits and pension. In return, he spent 50 grand or so in campaign contributions. That's not a bad price for a Senate seat.