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Open letter to Mr. Toews, regarding "my file"

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shockedcanadian Donating Member (224 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-31-10 10:39 AM
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Open letter to Mr. Toews, regarding "my file"
I wanted to share this with the Canada group. For those who aren't aware of my situation I have basically faced persecution for a number of years from CSIS; this has involved threats and employment interference. I do not have a record, I am not a threat in any way shape o form (never had been really) and I am an educated, hardworking, taxpaying Canadian. I am currently clearly and blatantly being managed out of my company. Though I have always been successful in the workforce and I was in my MBA program in Canada, working for a Canadian Bank and being and flagged by CSIS does not equate to career success. Below is the email I sent Mr. Toews not too long ago in an attempt to obtain some assistance, of course, counter to what he publicly expresses, he has not responded and attempted to instill this "accountability" that he harks about on his website.

I have a publishing deal negotiated for a book in more than one country, and, I will be pursuing a lawsuit against CSIS. Any other suggestions on how I can best obtain some results would be appreciated. Thanks for your time and patience...

Hello Mr. Toews,

I am sending you this email for a few reasons. 1) you are the new Public Safety Minister and as such are responsible for overseeing Canadian Intelligence, 2) based on your website that lists your #1 priority as "accountability". I will take this as being genuine suggestion and not just a buzzword, therefore I contact you to attempt to obtain some results.

I agree with you that it is extremely important to hold politicians and federal instituions accountable. For this reason, you have an obligation: morally, legally, personally and due to your position; to review my "file" and advise those that you oversee to make a just and correct decision on what threat I pose. As you have access to these files I expect that you would take my request at face value. I find it astonishing that Canada operates in this matter, and I have pursued this matter with 2 International organizations including the U.N as a number of my universally respected rights have been violated.

I have been unfairly misrepresented and targetted by intelligence in Canada. This is due to a brief and weak ideological view that I held when I was 19 years old which was in fact manufactured and encouraged by Canadian intelligence. I am currently 35 years old and for many years I have faced employment interference, had threats uttered to myself and my family, and, most recently, I was held for 45 minutes at the U.S border while crossing. They held my passport for the full time while I sat in my car waiting nervously and when I asked the guard if they had a problem with me he replied, "we don't have a problem with you, speak to your government", he then said I was free to go. He was obviously alluding to me that it was the Canadian government who "flagged" me.

I do not have a criminal record, I am not part of any hate group, am I a strong supporter of capitalism and I have always had a respect for the Intelligence community, though my opinion has certainly become jaded due to my personal experience. Oddly enough, I was a supporter of the Conservative Party, though the support for my personal circumstance has not been forthcoming from your party or predecessors. I have tried for a very long time to live my life and move on, but I cannot do so until someone has the courage to admit that they were wrong and remove me as a "person of interest" and lift my "security clearance" limitations.

It is 2010, certainly we are facing threats in Canada, I am not one of them. A great deal of resources, time, effort and taxpayers money have been frankly wasted on myself, how many others like me have suffered I cannot say, but I am appealing to you to review my file, and if required, have a representative meet with me to clear up this matter.

I look forward to hearing from or your office soon.

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IntravenousDemilo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-31-10 02:26 PM
Response to Original message
1. If you want your case to stand out...
I suggest you send the above via regular mail as a registered letter. Vic Toews's office probably receives countless emails every day, and who knows if the minister has even seen yours? Registered mail grabs their attention because for one thing, a registered letter means business because you went to the extra effort, and for another, people notice an actual paper letter because it's so rare nowadays.
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shockedcanadian Donating Member (224 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-31-10 02:34 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Never thought of that

Thanks for the response. I suppose I sent it via email to ensure that there was a record of me reaching out to him, in defense of Mr. Van Loan's office he at least responded, though with the usual cryptic denial/non confirmation. I think the idea of a registered letter is a reasonable idea and certainly couldn't hurt.


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shockedcanadian Donating Member (224 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-31-10 02:56 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Any other ideas?
Any other suggestions from anyone? Would be greatly appreciated. The patience I have shown under the circumstances I think it impressive, but with my current work situation I am no longer in a patient mood.
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