I think most Canadians know that, deep down, Harper had no problem with what Israel did in killing people in the Turkish flotilla.
Probably the only think that kept him from openly backing Israel's actions was his reluctance to be seen as so far out of step with world opinion (and even more aggressive than the US government) at a time when he is campaigning for a seat for Canada on the Security Council.
Which causes me to conclude as follows: As a Canadian who holds mainstream Canadian views on international issues, I really don't want Canada to be on the UN Security Council as long as Harper is PM.
if we are on the Council, it will end in series of embarrassments showing that we have one of the world's most right wing leaders speaking for us at the SC. It could do much more harm to Canada's reputation than Harper has already inflicted.
So I wish someone would organize a petition that Canadians could sign onto opposing Security Council membership for the divisive Harper government.
I wish the clever group of young folks who built the anti-prorogation facebook page and movement could turn their attention to this. We really don't need to give Harper an even higher-profile global playground to push his extremist views.
- B