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Ignatieff unveils new Liberal foreign policy

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CHIMO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-10 09:11 PM
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Ignatieff unveils new Liberal foreign policy
OTTAWA -- A foreign policy overhaul under the Liberals would see Canadian troops remain in Afghanistan in a training role, and an estimated $1.7 billion in post-combat savings spread to other departments to boost diplomacy and development.

The Liberals would also review the military’s equipment purchasing budget in light of a different focus for Canadian government efforts that would promote global “peace, order and good government.”

Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff fleshed out details of how Canadian foreign policy would differ under a Liberal government Tuesday in a speech to the Empire Club in Toronto.

Among other things, he calls for new agreements with China and India; renewed however vaguely-detailed efforts to re-engage with Africa; and acknowledgement that the “G20 must replace the G8 as the world’s pre-eminent body for economic cooperation.”

Well at least we are getting a policy.

Top down.

Hope the top has the funds that the party requires.

Good luck.
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RedSock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-10 12:53 AM
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1. Dear Libs:
Please kick Mr. I Love Torture back to the US -- and get someone to lead your party who is not a right-wing toady.

Thank you.

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IntravenousDemilo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-10 11:47 AM
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2. No way can I support this extension. No way.
And if they continue down this path, I shall most definitely be supporting the NDP next time. I've just called my MP and told his representative exactly that, and I've told her that I expect Gerard Kennedy to call me back personally to let me know whether he's going to march lockstep with the party, or do the right thing.
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sixstrings75 Donating Member (173 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-10 12:18 PM
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3. They're all the same. Wake up people. We need new blood. n/t
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