After failing your first test, you must try to make the repairs necessary to allow your vehicle to pass a second attempt. However, if you make repairs over the Repair Cost Limit of $450, you will be able earn a conditional pass and license your vehicle, even if your vehicle fails the emissions test. That way, you won't be forced to make huge repairs to get your car on the road again.
We do have absentee, and early, ballotting. But one other thing to consider is how much easier it is for us to vote. The federal and provincial governments maintain a permanent list of electors. Every time we have to do something "official", like license a car or complete our tax returns, we are asked if the government can use our address information to maintain the list of electors. That way, when an election is called, we are mailed voter information cards, informing us of the date of the election, and location of our polling station.
But even if, for some reason, you don't get a voter info card - maybe you've moved recently - you can still vote by showing up at a polling station, showing your ID and a piece of mail with your name and address, and signing a declaration. I was boggled by some of the hoops that American citizens had to jump through in order to vote.
Hope this helps.