Is it too late for Prime Minister Stephen Harper to make an emergency booking at that Arizona company that provided troubled RCMP commissioner William Elliott with leadership coaching a couple of years ago?
Canadian taxpayers would probably be happy to pay the $44,000 fee, if the prime minister would sacrifice some well-earned holiday time. It would be a bargain, if it produced mature and effective national leadership instead of the petulant style on display in recent weeks.
Not that outside help was entirely successful in the rehabilitation of Elliott, whose allegedly abusive, bullying and mercurial behaviour prompted the usually taciturn RCMP brass to rebel publicly. There is probably more at play in this office drama than paper-throwing tirades: Elliott is a civilian who inherited a misfiring paramilitary organization from a controversial predecessor.
And he is expected to survive the contretemps. But he is not the central problem in Harper's Ottawa; Harper is. Anyone even vaguely familiar with the vast literature of management studies will recognize the prime ministerial style: bossy, bullying, cold -or, in academic jargon, "exploitative-authoritative."