Quite the few days for Toronto. Rob Ford is working to drive a stake in the heart of Transit City. To stop this gravy train he'll blow over $130 million already spent on the project, be on the hook for whatever coin it's going to cost to cancel contracts, and bid adieu to five years worth of planning in a city that's a quarter-century behind in public transit. What loco motives drive this man?
Ontario's Ombudsman declared that the regulation that gave G20 fuzz jackbooted power was illegal and "likely unconstitutional". Andre Marin went on to say: "The effect of the regulation ... was to infringe on the freedom of expression in ways that do not seem justifiable in a free and democratic society."
Gee, I guess those protestors of whom Mayor Rob Ford said he had "very little sympathy", may have been subject to laws that were "almost certainly beyond the authority of the government to enact."
Could a week that's only two days old get any worse? Of course it can!
Enter Don Cherry. For a few days the blogosphere and media have been jumping with news that Mississaugan Don Cherry, he of the xenophobic and bigoted remarks, the captain of the Julian Fantino fanclub, the man who relishes fight club hockey, would be speaking as Mayor Ford's special guest to open council.