Edited on Mon Mar-07-11 04:31 PM by whosinpower
He came in carrying a petition form and a book. He is the author of the book and was trying to sell it to me. He said, "you cannot find this book in any bookstore. I sell it individually to people who are sick and tired of liberals taking over the country and what we can do to fix that." He continued, giving me some credentials of who he was, a writer for a newspaper. He talked of the political landscape in Canada....and when he was finally finished....he asked for the sale. I turned the book over in my hands, my mind spinning with the variety of scenarios.....I could ask him so many things....but did I really want to hear what he had to say? I could debate him....but what good would it do? I quickly decided that I wanted him out of my store. "I'm not interested," I said. "Your not interested? People who buy my books read it over and over and over. You won't be sorry. I have other books too." Politely, I replied, "Thank you for coming in but the answer is no." It might of been his aggressive fast talking sales pitch. It might of been his appearance. There was something about this guy that viscerally at the gut level - I did not like. And part of me considered that if he was reduced to selling his "thing" door to door, his political diatribe against liberals - that this was rather....pathetic, or if it was simply meant to be simple entertainment...I do not go for this sort of comedy. Anyhow, I could tell there was a rising angst that I was rejecting him and he then said this to me..... "Every owner of every business needs to read my book. Who owns this business?" I said, " I do. And I am not buying what you are selling. Thank you for coming in." His eyes widened just slightly and he dug out his business card. "Here is my card. check out my website. I have other books that you can order. One is totally free. Bye." Yeah. So I did check it out. Maybe my gut was wrong - you know? Maybe he was just some comedian - the card says performing artist and Author. On the website is a few excerpts from the book - table of contents, introduction, etc. I went to chapter 1.....got as far as the third paragraph which explores two identical twins being seperated and adopted out - one to a heterosexual couple, and one to a homosexual couple.....I stopped reading actually and began to write this note. And just now, I went back to the table of contents to see the titles of the other chapters. No funding,fewer abortions.....Bring back the Hangman....Unite the Right.....Hats off to George....more guns,less crime.....promote higher values(right to bear arms?).....socialists and other monkeys..... Yeah. It's not a joke. It's not funny at all. He is no comedian. It is like he is Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Anne Coulter all rolled into one White Rose Alliance Alberta version...standing at my counter trying to sell me his book. And while I am partially happy that I rejected him....there is a small part of me that feels I did not do it nearly forcefully enough....not even close.
But there is one thing to consider in this story....he is reduced to selling it door to door. His free book....is an autobiography...from poorhouse to penthouse.....and he is selling this diatribe door to door?!? hehehe Methinks that is perhaps a bit funny after all.