The most recent polls paint a clear picture of the size of the challenge facing the Liberals, but the actual nature of the challenge is subtle and complex. It lies below the surface of the horse race numbers.
Roughly 60 per cent of Canadians don’t want to vote for Stephen Harper’s Conservatives. When these folks think there is a chance to replace the Conservatives with another government, some of them will consider voting for a party that isn’t their first choice. This was, of course, the game plan of the Liberals in 2004, 2006, 2008 and lots of times in the last century, too.
However, if these voters conclude they are going to get a Conservative government regardless of how they vote, their thought process may change.
They may become focused on who they want to lead the daily charge against the government, to keep the next Harper government honest. pollsters are struggling to come up with reasons. Seems to me that the largest shock has been the NDP in front of the Bloc. They seem to be placing it on a national scale.
I think that they should be starting out in Quebec and then watch the swing in the ROC. Perhaps they just want to be king makers after being out of play for awhile.
Anyway, hope that it might be a replay of the 1962 vote in Quebec.