Edited on Tue May-03-11 08:39 AM by Bragi
I am today gripped by and reminded of the same sadness and despair that so many of us felt when the majority of American voters, in their (lack of) wisdom, decided that the world needed 4 more years of George W Bush. I think Harper will be every bit as bad for Canada as Bush was for the world and for his country, and there won't be anything that Jack and the NDP will be able to do to stop him. Harper has a majority, and in our system, this means the oppos has close to zero power over anything.
There is one quite disturbing thing for me in the results of this campaign I haven't quite yet sorted out, which is how the CPC seems to have been the only party that understood how right-wing much of our "new Canadian" immigrant population now is. After decades of emphasizing economic (i.e. well off and educated) immigrants, and the resettlement of their relatives, it appears we now have an immigrant population that is fairly affluent, and very right-wing in its views on economics, social policy, and even, yes, on democracy itself.
So the immediate prospects aren't all that good. For me, my major decision now is a) whether to remain active in politics, or to just move my focus (even temporarily) to other aspects of life over which I can exert control, and b) if I do stay active, do I do so as a Liberal wanting to push a merger with the NDP, or as an NDP supporter wanting to push a merger with the Libs? I'd be comfortable in either role, but I'm not sure either party understand the need to merge, and I'll need time and events to help me sort that out.
So that's how I see it. The results of this election are a disaster for the kind of Canada I want, and I expect that we will spend a lot of time in the next few years watching things that matter a lot to us as Canadians just disappear from the new world of Harper we now inhabit. Jack will shout a lot and make noise about how bad this all will be, but he can't do anything to stop Harper, and I doubt he will support a merger of any consequence, since he now feels triumphant.
Maybe I'll just check back in a few years to see how it's all worked out. I'm intersted in how others might feel today about all this.