BC Conservative’s leader-designate John Cummins has made headlines for suggesting that sexual orientation is a choice that does not require specific protection under the Canadian Human Rights Act.
In comments to Victoria’s CFAX radio, subsequently reported by the Victoria Times Colonist, Mr. Cummins said he voted against adding sexual orientation as a ground for discrimination under Canada's Human Rights Act when he was an MP in Ottawa.
“I'm not a scientist
some of the research tells me that there's more of an indication that that's a choice issue,” he said.
Asked about those comments at a political rally in Victoria on Wednesday night, Mr. Cummins said his opinions were personal. “I'm pro-life, I'm pro-traditional marriage, that's my view, I'm not a scientist,” he told the Times Colonist. “I'm not going to discuss that, they're personal issues, private issues.”
So let's review:
1. He's not a scientist, but he relies on "some of the research" to help form his opinion? Show me this "research". Ya, that's what I thought. No shit you're not scientist.
2. His opinions are "personal", and therefore he's not going to discuss them; yet he's OK with voting on legislation that obviously required him to vote his "opinion"?
Fuck you, and your bigoted ass.