The political climate in Canada, and indeed much of the world, in relation to the upcoming sailing, is not good. In an effort to un-friendly any and all ports, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has asked that all Mediterranean countries not assist in the harbouring and sailing of Freedom Flotilla II boats. On the home front, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird issued a press release on May 27,asking Canadians to not participate in the flotilla, noting that Israel has a right to defend its borders, especially against weapons smuggling. The implications of this press release will unfold over the upcoming days.
The Canadian Boat to Gaza has stood defiant in the face of such thinly-veiled allegations, and has held firm on its purpose. The steering committee has rejected outright the presence of any weapons aboard, and continues to invite independent observer-verification of this. If Canada's official aid to Palestine comes in the form of prison and courthouse building and security training, which it does, the humanitarian aid will come aboard the Tahrir. And while John Baird calls for the delivery of aid through Israel, through the International Red Cross, the Tahrir refuses to let Israel play prison warden with the people of Palestine any longer.
I have never met anyone aboard the Tahrir, and know them only through Internet communication. We come from all corners of the Canadian landscape, plucked from peaceful pockets of resistance. There is a retired first-nations' chief. A Quaker. A tweeter. A grandmother. A self-professed 'queer filmmaker,' and others. We represent groups, or come alone with our visions of peace. All told, we are supposed to number 45, on a 50-metre ship. With my experience in catering lunch clubs for local offices in the Halifax area, I am to be the head chef.
I do not know if these people feel scared. If they feel ready to die, or be shot, or be hurt, or be strip-searched, or be put in a foreign prison and know that your own country's government is complicit. I had the opportunity to interview Kevin Neish last year, witness to the massacre aboard the Mavi, and I wanted to be as selfless with my time on this planet. But this is my first Freedom Flotilla, and at times my mind races.