...With good reason, CSIS is watching, praying and ready to pounce.
This was reported nationwide, could only find it in the Toronto Sun now. I am sure the current party does not forget the dirty tricks engaged in by CSIS and the RCMP during the '90's. They know that any "youth wing" would be infiltrated and misrepresented by Canada's Neo-Stasi party (CSIS/RCMP). The link explains that the government shot down the idea of a youth wing.
http://www.torontosun.com/2011/06/10/tories-shoot-down-youth-wing-proposalFor those that do not know the history of the Reform Party. CSIS and the RCMP infiltrated the organization when the Liberals were in power in the '90's they essentially tried to taint the party with radical youth who they screamed were radical right wing Neo-Nazis. In fact a large number of these "members" were paid agent provocateurs hell bent on destroying this small but popular party from the West. These actions relate to me in that my interest in this Party was a precursor for targetting me, and here I am almost 20 years later still being targeted. Now for different reasons; I know what they did and how they operated and my legal threats have reached the PMO.
I was a teenager, not even out of high school yet in Ontario when I read about Preston Manning and the Reform Party. At the time I thought there were two of his ideas that really resonated with me:
1) Any important legislation should be put to a nationwide referendum. Not the most practical but certainly one that appealed to the idealist in me/.
2) His assertion that Affirmative Action was a counter-productive means to deal with racism as it did not reward effort or skill but collectively punished the system for those who probably had no direct decision making in persecuting minorities.
I never voted for them, nor did I become involved in politics in any way, but I did admire these two ideas in particular from Preston. At the time in Ontario, if one had just a slight interest in this party created a tidal wave of "social engineering" in which I was misrepresented to be something I have never been. Basically if you supported them you HAD to be some kind of radical Neo-Nazi...now they answer to many of the founders of this party, I wonder how they justify their past activities now?
CSIS at the time had just experienced a massive cut in their budget and they needed to manufacture some threats to help their cause for more funding. Hence the creation and funding of the Heritage Front among other things (there is a long list of dirty tactics they used). When there are no threats, fake ideological ones are the easiest to create.
Good for the Conservatives for not allowing such a wing to be created, they have learned from the past. Let CSIS and the RCMP do some real intelligence work instead of harming citizens for their beliefs and interests. Bloated, overpaid, underworked and more harm than good, that is federal policing in Canada in a nutshell.