I would rather not have watched Krista Erickson’s recent train-wreck of an interview with artist Margie Gillis on Fox North, sorry, Sun TV News.
It’s the same reason I don’t watch my beloved late father’s home movies — he was a surgeon and filmed his operations — even though I long to hear his voice again. The flesh-cutting, the flowing blood and the terrible lighting that is the hallmark of both my father’s amateur films and Sun TV’s dirt-cheap studio production, they all conspire to repel me.
My dad’s patients were under anaesthetic at the time. Sun TV guests are not, more’s the pity.
Viewers are up in arms about the bullying the much-loved Gillis took from the angry, wired Erickson for having received a total of $1.2 million in government cultural grants over the decades. Gillis is Canada’s shining star of modern dance, an art form Erickson clearly regards as pig swill, sorry, a Délice de Bourgogne (a terrific cheese, by the way, so fattening it’s basically triple-butter) for the élite.