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Shouldn't we be telling Americans the truth about Canada?

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Bragi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-11 08:53 AM
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Shouldn't we be telling Americans the truth about Canada?
I'm thinking about whether we should be admitting to American lefties that Canada is well down the road to being successfully taken over by the same kind of right-wing ignorant zealots who now run the U.S.

It's embarrassing that this is happening here, but I'm thinking we need to be explaining to people in the U.S that the Canada of today is no longer a country run by an enlightened, progressive government elected by an informed and compassionate electorate.

In fact, that Canada is visibly dying.

Isn't it therefore time to start admitting this? Or is our reluctance to be truthful with Americans who still idealize Canada really just a reflection of our own reluctance to admit to ourselves what is happening?

If so, then maybe those of us on the left need a 12-step-type program to start to reclaim the Canada we want, one that requires that we first admit that we have actually have a problem.

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RedSock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-30-11 10:08 PM
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1. i believe you are over-reacting
I was born and lived in the US for 43 years before moving to Canada in late 2005. I became a dual citizen last summer.

Canada is not perfect -- and it never will be -- but it remains LIGHT YEARS ahead of the US. Even now, there is absolutely no comparison. When my Canadian friends talk about what is going in the US, I tell them, "You have no idea." You really need to live there and stay plugged into the news for months and years to get a inkling how screwed up the US is and how it is a sinking ship.

What is odd is that the Canadian media accepts everything from US politicians at face value. If Obama says that he will bring about racial equality, then he will absolutely do it - and isn't that amazing!!! It is a truly bizarre thing to see. This is the Globe & Mail, by the way!! Canadian media know that Canadian politicians lie and BS their way through everything, but they do not seem to realize that US politicians do it too (or maybe they simply think that Dems are 100% honest).

First of all, Harper is well to the left of Obama. That should be obvious to everyone; if not, go read some Glenn Greenwald. And yet there is no chance that Harper could get away with even 1/4 of what Obama has done as a matter of course (starting a few more wars, cracking down on whistleblowers, furthering Bush's plan of illegal detention and pseudo-trials). And although Harper now has a majority, his support has not grown very much. And now we have an actual Opposition, as opposed to the Liberals, who have been wannabe Conservatives for years.

I am actually excited to see what will happen now that Harper will be opposed by a party that will call him out on his agenda.

And damn straight we need to reclaim Canada from the right-wingers. And we do that be speaking out against Harper every chance we get,letting everyone know how much he is hated in this country - 78% of eligible voters did not vote for him.
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CanSocDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-01-11 11:31 AM
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2. You're right about this...

"It's embarrassing that this is happening here, but I'm thinking we need to be explaining to people in the U.S that the Canada of today is no longer a country run by an enlightened, progressive government elected by an informed and compassionate electorate."

...and to be honest, my 'smugness' was beginning to feel....affected.

Just the same, since I discovered the real enemies of democracy back in the 70's, I haven't wasted my time depending on the whims of voters to further our agenda. We can still look to the south for negative watching The Simpson's....or scouting out the next cult of freemarket psycho's on a global tear...

When I lived in the USA I was always surprised by the lack of embarrassment, of the citizens, for conditions that would be completely intolerable to the average Canadian. Since coming back to Canada and the prairies, I know that we are still "compassionate" in small groups. "informed"...not as much.

On the bright side, there is a local community newspaper, ripe for takeover. We have to do it right this time.


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