Got that? Now go back to sleepBy David J. Climenhaga
Nevertheless, despite the blessed shortage of Murdoch-owned and influenced media outlets here, it seems highly likely that both Murdoch and Harper have been working to change that, both in spirit and in literal fact.
That is why -- not so long before the News of the World phone hacking scandal blew open in the United Kingdom, U.S. authorities began looking at Murdoch and his minions in the United States on the suspicion they'd hacked the phones of 9-11 victims, and even the Australian authorities began grumbling about the Dirty Digger's doings --Harper and Murdoch sat down to break bread together.
Obviously, the purpose of their get-together in New York City in the spring of 2009 wasn't to discus the catch of the day special at whatever chi-chi eatery they chose to sup. They were accompanied by Roger Ailes, president of Murdoch's Fox News Channel, which broadcasts far-right propaganda in the guise of news in the United States, and Kory Teneycke, then the PM's communications director.
Teneycke, as alert readers will recall, left the service of the prime minister not long thereafter, in June 2010, to join Quebecor Inc.-subsidiary Sun Media's effort to establish a right-wing broadcasting network in Canada similar to Murdoch's channel south of border. The Canadian version came to be known by its detractors as Fox News North.