Just days after Gen. Walt Natynczyk, Canada’s chief of defence staff, left Moscow after meeting his counterpart last weekend, a Russian official announced that the country would be increasing its Arctic military presence, a move that could increase tensions in the resource-rich area.
Anton Vasilev, a special ambassador for Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was quoted this week by the Interfax news agency as saying his country would be beefing up its presence in the Arctic, and that NATO was not welcome there...
http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2011/09/23/russia-canada-arctic.htmlI have to say, when a government (intel, police, military) uses its resources to fight battles half way across the globe and get caught up in the post-9/11 "fight against terror", it opens itself up to more immediate, legitimate and pressing threats, mainly those on our doorstep...