Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty is turning up the heat against Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s omnibus anti-crime bill, saying he does not believe any of the provinces are prepared to pay for higher prison costs.
Mr. McGuinty, who has joined forces with Quebec Premier Jean Charest in opposing the bill, hinted Wednesday that opposition is brewing across the country.
“I’d be surprised if any premier of any of the provinces and territories is prepared to welcome new expenditures being foisted upon us by the federal government because they’ve got some plans with respect to criminal law,” Mr. McGuinty told reporters. “It’s easy to sit on high in Ottawa and pass laws. But if there are accompanying costs, we’re not prepared to accept those in Ontario.”
The federal law-and-order agenda is out of sync with the priorities of his government, said the Premier, who is just beginning his third term after emerging from the Oct. 6 election one seat shy of a majority. With Ontario facing a deficit projected to hit $16-billion in the current fiscal year, Mr. McGuinty made it clear he won’t pick up the tab for a federal anti-crime bill that could make it much more expensive to incarcerate people.
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/provinces-wont-foot-bill-for-crime-legislation-mcguinty-warns-pm/article2222867/Good. Somebody should get Stevie some crutches for tomorrow!