Extends to all government fingers!
Justin Trudeau fumes at Tory MP’s ‘bad Catholic’ taunt
Liberal MP Justin Trudeau says he is upset and offended by a Tory MP who publicly questioned his adherence to the Catholic faith and his suitability to speak to students at a Catholic school.
Dean Del Mastro, the parliamentary secretary to the Prime Minister, said on Facebook last month that it was “outrageous” the Catholic school board in Peterborough, Ont. had invited Trudeau to speak for a second time in three years.
“If they are looking for a truly great speaker, who also happens to be Catholic, perhaps they might invite
Minister Jason Kenney,” Mr. Del Mastro wrote on Oct. 12. “Are there any tenets of the Catholic faith that Justin supports?”
Mr. Trudeau had been asked by the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic School Board to speak to 300 students from six area high schools on Oct. 13 at a downtown hall. He says he spoke for free, and the topic was the importance of young people showing leadership.
According to this piece, every word, every motion is orchestrated from an integrated control center.