I've been getting it on free preview since sometime in late December. I didn't notice that I had it until Tsunami Day, when I was lolling on the couch sick and flicking channels. I have to say that Fox actually covered the first couple of days of the Tsunami infinitely better than CNN, which treated it as kind of a sideshow to whatever the real news was those days. Of course, nothing like CBC's all Tsunami all the time coverage ...
We have digital cable, so we got a free preview of most of the digital cable speciality channels during January (not the odd thing like PrideTV, but most). In late January, I decided to find out how long this free Fox thing would be going on, so I called the cable company. They told me it was definitely only a free preview, and after that it would be $2.49 a month on a stand-alone basis (not part of any "bundle", e.g. the one we buy that gives us MSNBC, BBCWorld and 4 or 5 others). While I was there, I enquired about MTV, which was still showing "not authorized" on my screen. They told me I should be getting it. What can I say? I'm not getting it. So they turned it on. And I said okay, now I want that for another month, because I didn't get my free preview. So ... what seems to have happened is that I'm getting a whole other month of all the free-preview stuff.
So my problem is that I can't tell whether the free Fox preview is over or not! If it's still on free preview, and if it's authorized for distribution on a stand-alone pay TV basis, I think it's about time the cable company started charging for it. I don't know whether I'll buy it or not. There's something to be said for knowing thine enemy. Except even now we have only bothered to watch O'Reilly about 5 times.
So anyhow, are many people here actually getting and watching it?
Oh, and, btw, has anyone here seen EWTN? It's an RC channel from the US. It is absolutely appalling. If you have access, tune in on ... I think it's Friday night, but it might be Thursday ... and watch Frank Pavone's show at 10 (or maybe 9). He's the operator of Priests for Life, and he's been holding discussions with some woman from the anti-choice brigade about how to control the political process. He's a piece of work and a piece of shit. And he's followed by some droning theology professor talking about RC views of healthcare ... which you might think would be about things like making sure that the poor and disadvantaged actually get some, but noooo.