From the first time I heard the word "homeland" (as in homeland security etc.) being used in the US media and by US political figures and government spokespeople, I thought to myself that it had a somewhat Orwellian/totalitarian type ring to it and it left me feeling distinctly uncomfortable.
I have been watching the Canadian media wondering if or when the suckup, eager-beaver Canadian media types would pick up on the trend and start applying "homeland" to Canada. I noticed one instance a year or so ago on the CBC news and I immediatley emailed them and told them to cut that shit out. I was one Canadian that didn't appreciate hearing CBC picking up and applying Dubya's and the neo-cons' brainwashing terms to the Canadian situation. Thankfully, there have been no cases since then that I have heard where CBC used that word in a Canadian context.
Well it happened a few nights ago, but this time by news anouncer Tom Clark on the CTV TV evening news. Here's what I emailed to the CTV.
Please forward this to Tom Clark
Dear Tom,
Last night in your introductory remarks to the news you asked, "how far Canadians were willing to go to protect the 'homeland.'"
That's when I flipped the channel and stopped watching. It's bad enough to hear the bought and paid for, gutless coroporate media in the US constantly using the Bush administration's psy-op/propaganda/brainwashing term "homeland" in reference to things related to domestic US affairs, and I resent having it now applied to Canada by Canadian media figures who should know better.
From the minute I first heard the US media bandying about the Orwellian sounding term "Homeland Security" it set my nerves on edge and everything I have learned since about the sleazy liars in the Bush administration tells me I was right to be concerned about their intentions and their methods.
If you think I am exagerating the importance of this, I suggest you read the article "Brainwashing America," by Dr. Norman Livergood, a former Department Head at the US Army War College who actually studied and wrote about brainwashing techniques while he was at the College. See: refrain from using this psy-op sounding term in the future when referring to Canada or Canadian issues. The Bush administration under the influence of the rabidly pro-Zionists, empire building, neo-con PNACers has successfully engaged in a propaganda/brainwashing war to subvert the democratic process in the USA (thanks to the co-opted US media). I find it disturbing that now our own Canadian media is assiting, intentionally or not, in spreading the memes of the Bush neocons' propaganda agenda.
Kind Regards and best wishes