Shock horror - David Blunkett was the voice of reason! Alexander is the Europe Minister, and thinks what the Republicans do in America is admirable.
He(Alexander) said Labour only needed to "look to the US and look at what the Republicans have done in office" for "inspiration".
The Republicans' success had been in "building a powerful movement", and by their use of emotive language, such as describing inheritance tax as a "death tax", he said.
(Blunkett said): "They have got the language and they have built coalitions, but the thing that we have to realise - they have built coalitions of extremely nasty people and we can't do that," he said.
"We have got to build coalitions of people who want to do good, not just for themselves, but others - who want to tackle vested interests and, for some people, who just want a good life.", a government minister is advocating spin, lying and dirty tactics. Oh great.